Métis Teachings

Online Event

Presenter: Gloria Thomson In this session, Métis Teachings, Gloria Thomson will present the evolvement of the Métis as a distinct People and share the impact of that history as it affected her…


Missing & Murdered Indigenous People

Online Event

Presenter: Tracey Whiteye For years, Indigenous people have experienced systemic racism, violence, and discrimination.  The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls brought attention to the disturbing…


Shannen’s Dream & Jordan’s Principle

Online Event

Presenter: Tracey Whiteye In this session, Shannen's Dream and Jordan's Principle, Tracey Whiteye will discuss the rights of Indigenous children to receive a proper education and equitable access to all…


The Importance of Growing Gardens

Online Event

Presenter: Mary-Anne Kechego  In this session, The Importance of Growing Gardens, Mary-Anne Kechego will talk about the importance of growing gardens as a way to remind us that all the…


Medicine Wheel Teachings

Online Event

Presented by Tracey Whiteye and Tina Stevens The Medicine Wheel teaching is a wholistic Indigenous worldview that is fundamental to the values and principles of the Anishinaabe ways of seeing,…


The Impact of Residential Schools

Online Event

Presented by Tracey Whiteye In this session, Tracey Whiteye shares her story as an Indigenous woman and second-generation residential school Survivor who fought to regain her culture and language through the healing…


Métis Teachings

Online Event

Presented by Gloria Thomson  In Métis Teachings, Gloria Thomson presents the evolvement of the Métis as a distinct People and shares the impact of that history as it has affected…


We Are All Treaty People

Online Event

Presented by Mary-Anne Kechego  As part of National Indigenous Day 2021, Mary-Anne Kechego talks about the Two-Row Wampum Belt & Dish with One Spoon treaty covering southern Ontario to illustrate what…


Social Injustice in the Courts System

Online Event

Presented by Tina Stevens  In Social Injustice in the Court System, Tina Stevens explores how settler colonialism began the long-standing legacy of racism and discrimination toward Indigenous peoples, discusses the…


The Importance of Growing Gardens

Online Event

Presented by Mary-Anne Kechego  In this session, Mary-Anne talks about the importance of growing gardens as a way to remind us that all the plants that we grow can help…

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