Created in 1997 by the Aboriginal Rights Coalition (ARC), a precursor to KAIROS, the KBE was initially meant to introduce Canadians to the major themes and findings of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP).

The Coalition brought together Elders, Indigenous educators, and allies who wanted to make sure that RCAP and its recommendations were not shelved and forgotten. The KBE is built on the foundation of these long standing, collaborative initiatives and relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples to raise awareness of continuing injustices and impacts of colonization, and to promote further learning. For over two decades, ARC and now KAIROS have guided its ongoing development with the leadership of Elders and Indigenous facilitators across this land. [CM1] [CJ2] 

During the COVID-10 pandemic, KAIROS developed the virtual KBE (vKBE), offering another unique way to experience Canada’s untold history.

In 2023, KAIROS initiated a process to develop strategic improvements for a more robust program, one that would center Indigenous voices to sustain its powerful impact in fostering understanding, reconciliation, and meaningful change.  

KAIROS consulted with the KAIROS community through in-person and virtual forums to develop a KBE Framework. The KBE team has worked tirelessly to ensure that the new program’s framework – which is Indigenous-led, partner-driven and administered by KAIROS – is fully developed and ready for implementation as soon as possible.